Something to Help you Remember

Yearbook News

Taylor Aguilera, Staff Writer

Ah, yes, the beloved yearbook, a book of memories for a school year, telling a silent story about what happened around the world and at school. To those who may be wondering where to purchase their yearbook and why they were not at registration, here is your answer. This year at registration, you were handed a slip with URL of the website where yearbooks are available for purchase. Unfortunately, this method has only sold 250 yearbooks so far; usually at this point in the year, over five hundred copies of the yearbook have been sold.The price of the yearbook is now $77.00, and Coronado’s yearbook committee, including Editor-in-chief Lindsey Murray, 12, recommends you order a book before the middle of February. Yearbooks are available for purchase here.(Click the link on the word here to go purchase your yearbook now.) Get online and commemorate your years, Cougars!