That Upcoming Test…

With even more big test coming up, here are some tips you should use to help you pass that upcoming test…


Dylan Reeder, Staff Writer

One of the returning problems for students is big tests which make up 25 percent or more of the classe’s grade. In many cases, big tests like these can make the difference between an A or a C, and as a result, and can determine what kinds of colleges are available when the time comes. Big tests are definitely a lot for a student to worry about because they matter so much. To help ease your mind though, here are some tips you can employ to make sure you pass that test and get that much-needed credit!


The first, and maybe the best thing you can do is just sit down with a friend and study together. Studying with a friend or a group of friends can help with one of test failure’s biggest culprits: procrastinating. Getting with friends helps to eliminate waiting until the last minute to study. Procrastinating is a grade-killer for a lot of people, as they promise themselves every day to look over their notes and study for that upcoming test, but end up panicking last minute. Studying with friends will make you create a schedule and a timed plan for when and where you are going to meet up and study. Grouping up with friends will also help you see new perspectives; when studying by yourself, you are studying what you took from that lesson, whereas seeing another point of view could help you understand the content better. Not to mention studying in a group can also teach you to work together as a group and will improve your collaboration skills, which will make you better in group projects and later in life.


Another key to doing well is getting enough rest. As much as studying for your test is important, if you don’t get a good night’s sleep the days leading up to the test, all that studying isn’t going to matter. Getting a good night’s sleep can help improve your memory, according to If your tired going into a test, you may not remember an exact quote from an author that you read 3 months ago, but your chance of remembering it skyrockets when you are not tired. The same goes for remembering things when studying. When studying you are much likely to remember something when you are not tired, as opposed to being tired and maybe remembering it. If you can retain the info on whatever you are studying, your a lot less likely to panic on a test when you swear you remember what Orwell said, it’s just on the “top of your head”. All in all, get some sleep. Your brain will thank you, and so will your grade.


The last tip I have is to practice test yourself. Look back at old quizzes, assignments, homework, and especially notes, and create questions using flashcards or websites like Quizlet. Practice what the test will look like, whether it be multiple choice or a written test. Talk with your teachers and see what to expect on the test. Practice testing yourself will prepare you for the actual test and reduce anxiety if you have any. Your test will probably also be timed, so put on the timer on your phone and practice what you’re going to do, scrimmage yourself.  


All in all, if you do all of these things you are guaranteed a better score on your up and coming test