Get Crazy for Cougar Chaos!

Cougar Chaos, Coronado’s School Spirit club, meets Tuesday mornings in room 8.


Mohss Elaine, Staff Writer


Do you love school spirit? Do you want to support the sports teams at Coronado? Cougar Chaos is the perfect fit for you! The club is run by Ms. Ross on Tuesday mornings before school, meeting in room 8.


The club tries to ensure community, school spirit, and long lasting support at Coronado, making sure to have a group of members go to every sports game and cheer their hearts out, as well as support the rest of the school! Cougar Chaos tries to get people to join in and share the love with the rest of Coronado, and foster the meaning of community and support for everyone.


Coronado has so much to offer, and there is a spot, somewhere, for everybody to fit in. Some people find it very tough to feel excluded, and Cougar Chaos wants to eliminate those feelings. Cougar Chaos is a good space for those who want a place to feel welcomed and appreciated regardless of what they like to do. The club does promotes school spirit in a multitude of ways, but the number one way they do that is by reaching out to students.


Reanna Scherb, 11, is trying her absolute hardest to foster the ideals of school spirit across Coronado. “I joined Cougar Chaos to be a part of a club that loves Coronado just as much as I do. The club spreads cheer, and tries to get more people involved in all activities, not just sports. We have been trying to raise spirit by making encouraging signs, face painting at sports games, and of course always supporting one another.”


She wants more people from all areas across Coronado to feel included and be active. “I feel all of Coronado should be part of this club. We want people to get involved in more activities and get students to come to more events and create a tighter community. I think we’ve helped, as we’ve been going to most school events and showing support and cheering for our peers. We need people from other clubs and sports to join in and share their calendars so we can come to their events and spread the word.”


“You only have four years of high school, and if you spend those four years not dressing up for spirit days or going to events, you’re going to to look back at the yearbooks or go to reunions and feel like you seriously missed out on something special, so why not live while we’re young?”


Cougar Chaos is for everyone at Coronado, regardless of what clubs you’re in or what sports you play. The point of Cougar Chaos is to foster the ideals that Coronado needs, spread the support to all areas of school, and make sure everyone knows that they have a place here. Everyone deserves to feel like they belong somewhere, so why not belong at Coronado? We hope to see this club bring Coronado the school spirit it deserves!