Miles Medina, Staff Writer

As finals weeks approach Coronado High School more students will spend time trying to study. No matter what grade or classes it is always a success to do well on your semester finals. After a brief interview with Lauren Striz about tips for studying, she said. “Start now by dedicating a few minutes a night. This way you are not as stressed later. Another good study tip is not studying itself it is staying organized. If you stay organized then it enables you to study easier and more efficiently.”

Organization is a key role in having successful grades. If all of your classes are organized you are more likely to turn assignments in on time and have a better sense of control on what you are doing in that class. Another interview about study tips with Melisa Sartain,” Staying on top of your classes and having a sense of control is half of the battle. If you feel in control then your grades will be in control.” A common theme is for studying tips is a sense of control over your grades. If you stay on top of your grades, have a sense of control, and stay organized you should do fine on your finals.

Group Studying can be a very efficient way to study. As long as you stay on task and do not let your group distract you. Using other people as an accountability partner can be very useful. To have accountability will not only make you study more, but you can also feel good when you tell your accomplishments to your study partner.

Finals are on the horizon and are leaving students with some time to study. Now that we have entered the month of December Coronado has two and a half weeks before finals. This year the Coronado will have a new semester finals schedule.

Dec 18 – NO PLC LATE START and Final Exams for periods 1-2-3; buses depart at 12:50 pm
Dec 19 – Final Exams for period 4-5: buses depart at 11:00 AM
Dec 20 – Final Exams for periods 6-7; buses depart at 11:00 AM
Dec 23 to Jan 7 – Winter Break – NO SCHOOL