Springing Into Sports

It is time to register for the upcoming sports season, CHS!


Raven Sanchez, Editor-In-Chief

Winter sports have been going fantastically in the short span of time they have been happening this year, but it is time to start thinking about the upcoming season. There are six different sports that will take place this Spring; these sports are Ladies Golf, Ladies Tennis, Track, Men’s Swim, Baseball and Ladies Soccer.

If any of these sports are of interest, they must be registered for by February 28th. The website where students must go to register will be linked below, and it contains step by step instructions for those who are not sure how to register.

Students who decide to attend another school and keep playing a sport should register using the link below if they are doing so within a year of playing a sport at CHS. After they have done that, they should contact our athletic director or his assistant using the information at the bottom of this article. They will be able to unlock a transfer form for these students. Once it is open, the student who requested it must have it completed before the first day of practice.

Some students go to a school that does not have a sport that they want to play. If Coronado has that sport and a student wants to join, that is an option for the upcoming season. The student should go to the link below and register, but will list their school as the one they attend; Coronado will be listed as an additional school for these students. After that registration is complete, a form must be filled out to complete the next phase. Students must go to the Athletic Office in Building A to pick it up, and they must have it returned before the first day of practice. A signature must be obtained from the actual school the student attends as well.

If anyone needs additional help with this process, there are several ways to get it. Students can get help during both lunches, and parents can go to the Athletic Office to get walk-in help with registration during the designated hours. Walk-ins are welcome from 9-4 every day. If anyone has any other questions or concerns regarding Coronado Athletics, email our athletic director or his assistant. From there, a meeting can be set up if necessary.

If interested students are already completely registered and have no questions, the only thing they have left to do now is enjoy the rest of this season. There will be a link below containing schedules and statistics specific to this school, so go and support some of CHS’s excellent athletes.

Enjoy the rest of this sports season and the one to come, Cougars!

Helpful links:
Register Here- PlanetHS.com
To contact our Athletic Director- [email protected]
To contact his assistant- [email protected]
For CHS statistics and schedules- CSMLeague.org
For additional and more specific information- https://www.d11.org/Page/2159