Students, the lawbreaking cowboys of the Coronado High School hallways, their backpacks swinging holsters, prepare for a showdown like no other. They saunter unafraid, their spurs clinking in the dirt, as Vice Principal Lobato waits for their attack, taming the Wild West, and enforcing order through the chaos.
The bell rings, signaling the end of the passing period, stragglers linger, late for class, their footsteps echoing like distant hoofbeats of horses riding through town. Vice Principal Ricky Lobato’s badge gleams in the desert sun. He’s the sheriff of this town. Lobato recognizes the ongoing issue of students lingering in the hallway, working to implement new strategies to get all the students to class before the end of the passing period.
Mr. Lobato explains that “We have a tardy issue here and we want to crack down on that.” To fix the problem he reached out to the staff at Coronado asking teachers to be out in the halls watching over the students.
After just a few weeks with extra eyes, Mr. Lobato claims that he’s “seen a big improvement. [Teachers] are helping us to crack down on the hood issue, kids walking around the halls with their hoods on,” and, as any good lawman knows, crooks must first be identified to clean up the streets.
Teachers standing in the hallways help to control students’ behavior: “When you have teachers out in the hallways the behaviors kind of shut down that’s when kids don’t mess around and get in trouble.”
Having more teachers in the hallways isn’t solving the entirety of the problem, “We’re going to have random hall sweeps, so if you’re tardy you are going to have lunch detention.” This should help to scare students into going to class before the bell rings.
But what about students who are supposed to be in the hallways, running passes, going to the bathroom, and filling up water bottles? These students shouldn’t be getting lunch detention for having the privilege to go do these things.
Coronado has been looking to implement an electronic hall pass so all teachers and administrators can see who should be in the hallways at any given time, “otherwise you’ll get an automatic lunch detention.”
This electronic hall pass will “create more accountability for students.” It will help to limit the students who wander around, claim they are a teacher’s assistant, and overall help the security guards protect our campus. Sheriff Lobato is ready to put these wayward vigilantes in cuffs.