Paul Kaufer has been a well-known teacher at Coronado for 11 years and has decided to retire about teaching for 35 years. Mr. Kaufer has served as a math teacher at Coronado; his favorite class to teach has been Consumer Math: “it was great teaching things the seniors need to live.” Some other subjects Mr. Kaufer taught over his lengthy career were 6th Grade Math, 7th Grade Math, 8th Grade Math, Pre-Algebra, Algebra 1/2, and Geometry.
One of Mr. Kaufer’s biggest influences during his teaching career was Ileana Del Valle: “She has been an awesome leader of the math department.” Not only did he enjoy his colleagues, though, but his students as well. He seemed to emphasis the people he built relationships with over the years.
Mr. Kaufer was not only a math teacher but also a student council adviser at middle school and high school levels, helping plan and set up events such as prom, assemblies, and many other events at Coronado. He also was a coach for the football, softball, and basketball teams both at high school and middle school levels. StuCo was something he picked up these last couple of year at Coronado, which could be stressful, but “was also tons of fun.”
Throughout his teaching career, a lot of things have changed. One of the biggest changes Mr. Kaufer has noticed from 1989 to the present is that “Cell phones and standardized tests have changed the dynamics of teaching tremendously.”
One specific memory he will cherish is the memory of all the students he has taught – and also the lessons the students have taught him, as well – about life, love, acceptance, and positivity. Throughout his career, he learned to “Always remember the Law of Attraction and Karma – what you put out in the world will come back to you. Spread kindness and good vibes – and Pay it Forward whenever you can. :-)”
Recently,. Mr. Kaufer purchased an antique store, and he and his wife will be running the shop as his post-retirement project. His plans include “having a blast just living life.” Mr. Kaufer is excited to run the antique shop and live his life freely. He will be missed!