AP Test Accommodations Deadline Approaching!

Get those requests in ASAP, testers!


Raven Sanchez, Editor-In-Chief

With the start of a new semester, AP students are beginning to realize that the AP Exam window is not just a part of their imaginations. Teachers start throwing out dates for AP related events, and it becomes more and more difficult to keep track of them all. While AP students should be aware of these events, there is one extremely easy task that can be checked off the list right away. It might even take some of the stress of deadlines away or the feeling that the list is not getting smaller.

This task is making sure to submit any accommodation requests for the AP exam if they are needed. These are usually documented, so students who need them know that they do. If anyone is unsure, however, they can contact their counselor and find out.

Accommodations are just a way of making it easier for some students to take the exam. Some cannot take the AP exam successfully without them. It is imperative that they are requested if a student relies on them to take this test.

To request accommodations, students can contact Ms. Schulzki or their counselor. These requests are due by January 17th, and getting them done as early as possible is best.

Hopefully knowing whether or not to request accommodations is an easy decision for students to make. If anything it is one more date that can be checked off of that long AP preparation event list.